CEO: Jules Nelson

  • Bachelors Degree in Leisure Studies and Therapeutic Recreation
  • Certified Physical Educator/Teacher
  • 20 Years Experience in the Child Care Field
  • Worked with Companies Such as Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA, After School Programs, and Worked with programs funded by Childrens Services Council, Children's Trust, Charter Schools, Churches and Privately Owned Child Care Providers.

The P.E. X-Games are Implemented by Kind, Professionally Trained, Creative, and Dedicated Staff.

Our Mission

The Mission of the P.E. X-Games is to Provide a Positive Experience in the Form of Physical Activity.  These Games Focus On the Establishment of a Lifestyle that Includes Proven Concepts of Wellness and Fitness.  We also Present Activities that Generate Awareness and Tolerance to a Variety of Cultures Around the World.  These Activities Also Result in Improved Muscular Coordination, Flexibility, Strength and Endurance.  We Empower All Children, Regardless of Physical or Mental Disability, with the Confidence to Grow in Character, Self-Reliance and Self-Discipline.